10 Strange Symptoms Of Acid Reflux
Acid reflux or heartburn occurs when the contents of the stomach, such as food, gastric juices, or acids, rise up the esophagus and enter the mouth.
Although it doesn’t always reach the mouth, it tends to go up the entire length of the esophagus, about forty centimeters. It can cause a burning sensation or sourness.
Acid reflux mainly occurs when the body is tilted or when one lies down after a lavish or greasy meal. It occurs most easily during the night when you are sleeping. If you suffer from this problem, we recommend raising the headboard slightly to sleep, rather than sleeping horizontally.
Heartburn is the most common problem, but we’ll tell you about some other and weirder symptoms in this article:
1. More salivation due to acid reflux
This is one of the first strange symptoms of acid reflux that we want to talk about. You will experience excessive salivation. This can happen while you are eating.
What exactly is happening? You will feel that the amount of saliva is greater than usual. This is a mechanism of the salivary glands preparing to better digest the food you eat.
2. Pneumonia
Speaking of strange symptoms of acid reflux, pneumonia is one of the least expected symptoms.
- This happens because the stomach acids move up into the esophagus. Not only do they cause irritation, but in some cases they can also reach the lungs.
- When this happens, you may develop a lung infection and develop pneumonia as a result of the acid reflux.
3. Acid Reflux Breast Pain
The third strange symptom of acid reflux is more commonly associated with heart attacks than reflux. But in many cases, the chest pain is due to acid reflux. Even if it’s not serious, you’ll still need to go to the hospital or emergency room.
4. A sour taste in the mouth
When stomach acids rise up into the esophagus, they can cause a sour taste in the back of the throat.
- That taste lasts for a few hours. It mainly affects your taste of food.
- Some people associate this problem with poor oral hygiene or liver problems, but instead of being left with doubts, get checked to see if you’re experiencing any of the other strange symptoms of acid reflux.
5. Snoring and Other Breathing Problems While Sleeping
Are you experiencing problems with your breathing? Do they increase or get worse during the night? Then this could be due to acid reflux causing ‘whistling’ as it rises up from the stomach.
Likewise, stomach acids can reach the respiratory tract and cause irritations and infections associated with bouts of coughing and respiratory distress during the night.
6. Food Digestion Problems
When the acid reflux is calmed down and left untreated for a long period of time, the stomach acids will leave scars and burns in the esophagus. This will affect the passage of food, because you will experience unpleasant and unpleasant feelings when you eat.
- The most common feeling is that while swallowing you have the impression or the feeling that something is rubbing in your esophagus.
- Acidic and spicy foods will cause the biggest problems.
- To prevent this from becoming a problem and you no longer being able to eat a varied diet, you need to treat acid reflux as soon as possible.
7. Heartburn
Another strange symptom of acid reflux occurs when stomach acids rise up into the esophagus. The feeling can vary from person to person and can be difficult to pinpoint. Depending on the intensity, you will experience mild discomfort or an intense chest pain.
8. Belching
This is the feeling that occurs when the acid is rising up into the esophagus. In some cases, it can cause vomiting.
If it happens very often, it can eat away at tooth enamel and cause dental problems.
9. Indigestion
With this indigestion, you experience an uncomfortable feeling in the upper part of the stomach. Sometimes it is painful and it is always present as a symptom of acid reflux.
Some people experience the following things:
- A bloated feeling
- The feeling of being too full
- Stomach ache
- Farmers
If you suffer from these symptoms, it is advisable to consult a doctor and avoid further complications such as stomach ulcers or cancer.
10. A Dry Cough
This is the latest strange symptom of acid reflux. It tends to cause the sensation of having a lump in the throat.
This is a very unpleasant feeling. So you will feel the need to cough or clear your throat very often.
Recognize the Strange Symptoms of Acid Reflux
Have you noticed any or all of these symptoms in yourself or someone close to you? Then we recommend that you call in the help of a specialist. You will need to undergo the necessary tests to determine if you have acid reflux.
When the diagnosis is made in time, the treatment is easier. Usually it will be enough to change some habits or adjust your diet, cutting out or adding certain foods.