What Foods Cause Cellulite?

Cellulite is a skin condition that we see more often in women than in men. It affects the skin, especially the skin on and around the buttocks. The skin looks bumpy and is therefore often described as orange peel.
What foods cause cellulite?

The extensive list of remedies against cellulite described so often includes a healthy, balanced diet, drinking enough water and applying a good anti-cellulite cream. But what causes cellulite? 

This is just as important to know. Also which foods to avoid to prevent cellulite. 

What foods cause cellulite?

White sugar

Sugar, often referred to as the “white poison” by nutritionists,  supplies our body with empty calories. That means only energy without any nutritional value.  This culprit, abundant in our diets, is responsible for the rise in obesity and type 2 diabetes.

Large consumption of sugar robs the body of its reserves of vitamins and minerals, causing our body to become unbalanced. This can cause all kinds of complaints, such as osteoporosis and dental problems.

What are healthy alternatives to white or refined sugar?

  • Brown sugar
  • Honey
  • Cane sugar
  • Maple syrup
  • agave nectar
  • Malt sugar, such as rice syrup and barley syrup
  • Natural fruit syrups, such as from apples, pears, etc.
What foods cause cellulite

Processed table salt

We cannot live without salt. What many people do not know is that there is a big difference between natural and processed salt. Natural salt contains all kinds of minerals and trace elements.

Processed salt contains only sodium chloride. This is responsible for water retention and poor circulation, which can cause cellulite.

A healthy option is to choose sea salt or Himalayan salt, which contains 84 other minerals and, if consumed in a small amount, is indispensable for an optimally healthy body.

A second alternative to guarantee a sufficient absorption of minerals, which also has a diuretic effect, is cooking in seawater. This is available in health food stores and some supermarkets and is ideal for preparing vegetables, rice, pasta, soups and stews.


It goes without saying that fried foods contain too much fat. It is too often prepared in inferior quality oil. When the oil is heated too high, toxic substances are also released.

When absorbed, these can affect the organs in our body. Therefore, always choose the grill, baking, steaming or wok.

Alcoholic drinks

Alcohol does not directly cause cellulite, but it does constrict the blood vessels, which can increase cellulite. It is also a well-known supplier of empty calories, which have no nutritional value and immediately convert the energy absorbed into sugars.

Alcohol promotes fluid retention and accumulation of fat cells on thighs, arms and in the abdominal area. Therefore, choose a healthy alternative and drink a natural fruit juice or herbal infusion more often. Don’t forget the daily recommended amount of water!

Alcohol causes cellulite

Processed food

Refined foods are processed foods such as white flour and white sugar. When refining food, important minerals and vitamins are lost.

They are more difficult to digest and cause constipation and an accumulation of toxic substances in our body. This causes cellulite and skin disorders.

Therefore, avoid white bread and white flour and opt for whole grains, whole pasta and whole rice. Make your own pasta at home, also prepare it with whole wheat flour.

Also keep an eye on your carbohydrate intake. Even the full-fledged healthy version provides a considerable number of calories, which are converted into fat in excess.

Therefore, always choose a balanced diet consisting of grains, fruits and vegetables, proteins of animal or vegetable origin.

Junk food

Junk food causes cellulite

In junk food (burgers, fries, cakes, prepackaged menus) we find all the culprits together, which are responsible for the development and increase of cellulite.

They contain refined flour, white sugar, table salt and trans fats, which are particularly harmful to our health. 

They are directly linked to the development of cardiovascular disease. In addition, the use of these ingredients prevents the absorption of essential nutrients in our body and therefore immediately converts energy into body reserves, causing  fat accumulation and cellulite.

They also don’t seem to satisfy our hunger. On the contrary: they always make us want more.

Artificial flavors and colorings and the presence of refined sugar and salt cause the addictive effect and unhealthy increase in obesity and cellulite.


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