Reasons Why The Kidneys Can Hurt
There is not just one answer to the question of why the kidneys can hurt. The first thing to say is that it is not common for there to be pain in these organs, so this symptom should always be taken seriously.
However, there are many myths about kidney pain. It is popularly believed that this discomfort is a result of not properly covering your back, meaning that “the cold gets into your body” and causes pain. These and other related beliefs are incorrect.
In addition , people often do not know exactly how to identify the area they are suffering from. Sometimes people wonder why the kidneys can hurt, but in reality the pain comes from another area.
Reasons why the kidneys can hurt
Kidneys are vital organs that play a fundamental role in the body. They are responsible for filtering the blood to keep it clean and balanced from a chemical standpoint. They process about 190 liters of blood and remove 2 liters of waste per day.
The kidneys are located at the back of the abdomen, just below the ribs on either side of the spine. When these organs hurt, the patient experiences the sensation in the center of the back or the sides. Sometimes only one side hurts. However, not all back pain is kidney pain.
Many kidney diseases go undetected until they are advanced. The reasons why the kidneys can hurt range from the presence of kidney stones to kidney cancer. Here are some common reasons why that annoying pain occurs.
kidney stones
Kidney stones, also known as “nephrolithiasis” or “urolithiasis,” cause intense kidney pain or colic. The accumulation of substances in the urine forms them. Sometimes they are as small as a grain of sand, but they can reach the size of a pearl.
When the stones are very small, they move freely through the urinary tract (Spanish link) and the body usually passes them without causing any symptoms. However, when the stone is larger, it causes intense pain that comes in waves that the patient feels in his back or lower abdomen and worsens with movement.
Usually the pain is on one side. However, over hours it can descend to the groin and genital area (Spanish link). No position relieves the discomfort, which often comes with nausea, vomiting, itching or a burning sensation when urinating.
In addition, the kidneys can hurt from an infection. Usually the infection starts in the urethra or bladder and then reaches the kidneys. It can cause permanent damage to these organs or spread to the bloodstream and can be life-threatening.
One of the symptoms is intense and persistent back pain, as well as pain and a burning sensation when urinating. The patient feels the need to go to the toilet often, and the urine has a rather strong odor. In addition, it is not uncommon for the patient to also experience the following:
- nausea
- vomit
- fever
- cold shivers
Polycystic kidney disease or cysts
A kidney cyst may not cause any symptoms until it reaches a significant size. When this happens, it causes intense back pain and/or lower back pain. It is also common for a patient to also experience headaches and blood in the urine.
Polycystic kidneys are a genetic condition that causes cysts to grow in groups and prevents the body from functioning properly. They cause side or back pain and often lead to kidney stones and frequent infections.
Other Causes of Kidney Pain
The kidneys can also hurt from a:
- water bladder kidney
- kidney inflammation
- accumulation of urine
These things cause intense back pain, as well as blood in the urine and fever. The pain can also be caused by renal thrombosis (RVT), a serious problem that causes severe pain in the patient’s back, behind the bottom of the ribs and hips.
Injuries and a tap on the kidneys can also lead to pain, as can pregnancy. In the latter case, it is due to changes in the spine due to the weight of the pregnant woman’s abdomen. Pain on one side of the back and abdomen accompanied by hematuria may be symptoms of kidney cancer.